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Almost every courses teach induction

Basic Induction: To prove nN,(P(n))\forall n\in \N, (P(n)) use some base case and induction to prove for all.

  • (P(0)kN.(P(k)    P(k+1)))    nN,(P(n))(P(0) \land \forall k \in \N. (P(k)\implies P(k+1))) \implies \forall n\in \N, (P(n))
  • we have some flexibility on basic case where if we have goal to prove n1\forall n\ge1 then we will prove P(1)P(1)

Basic Induction prove template:

Prove by induction.
Base case: [Prove P(0) is true]
Inductive step: Let k be arbitrary natural number, and assume P(k). we will show P(k+1)

Complete Induction: To prove nN,(P(n))\forall n\in \N, (P(n)) use some base case and more induction steps to prove for all.

  • (P(0)kN.(P(0)P(1)P(k)    P(k+1)))    nN,(P(n))(P(0) \land \forall k \in \N. (P(0)\land P(1) \land \ldots\land P(k)\implies P(k+1))) \implies \forall n\in \N, (P(n))
  • similarly, we have flexibility on basic case.

Complete Induction prove template:

Prove by induction.
Base case: [Prove P(0) is true]
Inductive step: Let k be arbitrary natural number, and assume for every natural number i less equal than k, P(i) . we will show P(k+1)

A set generated from BB (basic set) by the functions in FF (a set of functions :UmU: U^m\to U where UU stand for universe set of BB) is the set of elements that can be obtained by applying fFf\in F to bBb\in B a finite number of times.

Structural Induction: Let CC be a set generated from BB by fFf\in F. (bB,P(b))(fF(\forall b\in B, P(b)) \land (\forall f\in F on mm inputs a1,,amC,(P(a1)P(a2)P(am))    P(f(a1,,am)))    xC.(P(x))\forall a_1,\ldots,a_m \in C, (P(a_1)\land P(a_2)\land \ldots \land P(a_m)) \implies P(f(a_1,\ldots,a_m))) \implies \forall x\in C. (P(x))

Define a construction sequence SS of length nn as (x0,,xn)(x_0,\ldots,x_n) where xiS,xiBxi=f(xj1,,xjm),fF,j1,,jm<i\forall x_i\in S, x_i\in B \lor x_i=f(x_{j_1},\ldots, x_{j_m}), f\in F, j_1,\ldots,j_m < i.

The length of a construction sequence is represented by some measure of complexity of the object.


WOP(Well Ordering Principle): SN(S),S\forall S\subseteq \N(S\ne \emptyset), S has a minimal element.

  • let aS,bS,ab    aa\in S, \forall b\in S, a\le b \implies a is a minimal element

We can use WOP to prove induction statements of the form nN,(P(n))\forall n\in \N, (P(n)):

  1. Check P(b)P(b) is true, bb stand the basic case
  2. By contradiction, assume nN.(¬P(n))\exists n\in \N.(\lnot P(n)). So the set S={nN:¬P(n)}S = \{n\in\N: \lnot P(n)\} is non-empty
  3. By the WOP, SS has a minimal element, denote as mm; commonly, mm is the smallest natural number for which PP doesn't hold.
  4. Derive the contradiction by showing P(m)P(m) or by finding a m<mm' < m, for which ¬P(m)\lnot P(m')